Do You Believe?

BELIEVE: accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.
HOPE: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

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Dear ___________, <– (Insert name here)

Everyone believes in you. They know you’re amazing. They know you will do great things in your life. But here is the thing, I need you to believe it too. You got this friend. People can believe in you until they are blue in the face but, if you don’t believe, it doesn’t matter. Imagine you’re playing in a football game (yes football for all you fans out there) You’re on the field with your team and people are cheering you on in the stand. They can cheer you on all you want but, if you don’t believe you are capable of running the ball, you’re not going to get a touchdown. If you don’t believe great things can come your way, they won’t. Let me rephrase that, they will come your way but you won’t be able to see or receive them. It’s all about perspective. You were created for a purpose, walk in it.