Dear Men

Dear Men,


Yes, it can be hard and you may have had a rough past. I get it so did I. It’s okay to engage in your hurt. You don’t have together all the time. I don’t need you to be strong I need you to be healthy and I promise you when you are healthy you will get stronger. Here are three tips to lift you up on your journey.

  1. It’s okay to be vulnerable. Find someone you trust and let them know what you’re going through. The cool thing is the more you open up the more you find out you’re not alone.
  2. Believe in yourself. You are amazing and have a gift to offer this world. At the end of every day, you should be able to name three things you did well. You got this, now put on that hat of confidence.
  3. Know that you’re loved and cared about. Not for what you do, but for who you are.

Dear men, I’m sorry if you feel unworthy or you can’t provide, this world is tough.

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