Do You Believe?

BELIEVE: accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.
HOPE: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

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Dear ___________, <– (Insert name here)

Everyone believes in you. They know you’re amazing. They know you will do great things in your life. But here is the thing, I need you to believe it too. You got this friend. People can believe in you until they are blue in the face but, if you don’t believe, it doesn’t matter. Imagine you’re playing in a football game (yes football for all you fans out there) You’re on the field with your team and people are cheering you on in the stand. They can cheer you on all you want but, if you don’t believe you are capable of running the ball, you’re not going to get a touchdown. If you don’t believe great things can come your way, they won’t. Let me rephrase that, they will come your way but you won’t be able to see or receive them. It’s all about perspective. You were created for a purpose, walk in it.


Dear Men

Dear Men,


Yes, it can be hard and you may have had a rough past. I get it so did I. It’s okay to engage in your hurt. You don’t have together all the time. I don’t need you to be strong I need you to be healthy and I promise you when you are healthy you will get stronger. Here are three tips to lift you up on your journey.

  1. It’s okay to be vulnerable. Find someone you trust and let them know what you’re going through. The cool thing is the more you open up the more you find out you’re not alone.
  2. Believe in yourself. You are amazing and have a gift to offer this world. At the end of every day, you should be able to name three things you did well. You got this, now put on that hat of confidence.
  3. Know that you’re loved and cared about. Not for what you do, but for who you are.

Dear men, I’m sorry if you feel unworthy or you can’t provide, this world is tough.

Dear Millennials

Dear Millennials,

I know it’s hard, half of us come from broken homes. We tried to do what was right. We worked hard to get an education and get a good job but instead, we inherited a large sum of debt, some of us are working two jobs and had to move back in with our parents and it sucks. But remember you’re not alone, stay in the game. You’re going to make it. Here are seven tips to help you get through those rough days.


  1. If you are feeling bitter or sad. It’s okay to go through and examine your feelings. Remember mental Health is important.
  2. Once you do that, get moving and keep trying. If you want to land that dream job work on that resume and keep applying. 52520524_2289160221102733_6540658407764918272_n
  3. Work on your craft. A lot of us nowadays have side projects. Set time aside to work on them. Who knows, in 10 years it can be your own business.
  4. Find what you are passionate about and take up a hobby. This isn’t just for fun, it will also help you when you need to clear your head.
  5. Find people who will be in your corner because you weren’t made to do life alone, and you need a support system.
  6. Remember life isn’t the way it should be. It’s the way it is. So give yourself grace if you’re not where you want to be and destroy those should monsters.
  7. Keep moving in the midst of it all. And remember, it won’t be like this forever.

Dear Women

Dear Women,

Follow your dreams because you have a gift to offer this world. What is your dream? Is it engineering, is it singing? Do you want to be a doctor.? Whatever you want to do, put in the work and watch your dreams turn into a reality. Here are some tangible steps to turn your dreams into a reality.


  1. Take the first step. If you don’t take that step you’re never going to get there. Like We can all do itNike says just do it!
  2. Create a plan, then create a timeline within the plan and work your way backwards. I can help you with this if you need it. Just shoot me an email
  3. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Remember you become your environment. It is a lot easier when you are surrounded by people who are headed to the same destination as you.
  4. Listen to people who inspire you. Find TED talks or motivational speakers of people who are where you want to be in life. I was listening to a podcast when I got a wind of motivation to finish this blog.
  5. Invest a portion of your time and your money into your dream. When there is a price attached to something it adds value. And when there is money involved you’re more likely to invest your time because you paid for it.

Dear Women, you got this. I will be your cheerleader.

Baby Steps

You ever hear of the phrase I’m not where I want to be but, I’m not where I used to be either? That’s something I have been thinking about lately.

For those of you who don’t know me, I have wrestled with anxiety since 2012. I would wake up in the morning with a heavy heart and head worried about the day ahead, wondering how I could get everything done and worried about the future.

In 2015 I thought it would be a good idea to get up and be productive right when I woke up to avoid the wave of worry that towered over me. However, I would still end up over analyzing life, stressed out and frustrated that I couldn’t be productive. Fast forward three years on a Sunday morning in December I woke up around 7:30, I read, I made breakfast and did my dishes all before 10:00 a.m. and this is not to brag and say I did so much in a few hours but, the fact that I was able to get up out of bed.

This was amazing and it just hit me because I dreamed of this day for years. While I was washing my dishes that Sunday morning, I had an epiphany and realized it’s the little things that count. As time goes on you will be surprised by the little sprouts of growth in your life.

How To Take Care of Yourself This Holiday Season

The holidays are rapidly approaching and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is here.

You are on the search for that perfect gift, the family is coming to town and all of the Christmas parties are beginning. Staying healthy is just as important as that elephant gift you’re going to give.

Below are a few tips to help you take care of yourself and enjoy the whimsical wonder of the season.


  1. Get hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is your friend during this season. Malls and stores have a heavier flow of traffic and you’re more prone to pick up germs through passing money, touching door knobs and escalators. So sanitizer is key. One of the best perks is there are many holiday scents out there.  
  2. Get some rest. I know it can be hard. You’ve got to make it to that sale but remember you need to take care of you. Even a twenty minute power nap will make all the difference in how you handle your day.
  3. Do your research online before you hit the store. We are privileged to live in a generation with technology and doing research online can help you avoid the stress of the store when you know what you’re looking for.
  4. Make time to see Christmas lights. This is always fun and relaxing to do with the family and friends. There are many neighborhoods with spectacular lights and decorations to make you go ooo and ahhhh.
  5. Make time for hot cocoa or festive drinks. There is something about those flavors that make you relax.

There you have it, These tips will help you enjoy all the festivities and spread that holiday cheer!

Women’s March 2.0 Rise

NORTHRIDGE CA- Women, men and even children gathered throughout the world to stand up for various forms of women’s rights.


Today was the women’s march  2.0. Last year women marched in protest of Trump’s inauguration. This year many women gathered throughout the world to march in solidarity for women’s rights. In the U.S. the was to get women to vote and get more females in office. Some marched for equality and other’s marched for diversity. Women I applaud you for stepping up and fighting for your rights. Get up and take what is rightfully yours.


If you want equal pay do your research position you’re applying for and you go into that interview with a ballpark number of what you want your salary to be. Be bold and ask for it.

I was watching Netflix original “One Day At a Time”  the other night. In the episode Penelope, the main character found out her male counterpart Scott made more money than her, as a male nurse.


When she processed the information with her boss, she asked why Scott made more than her. Especially since she worked there longer than him. Her boss told her that Scott simply  asked for a set salary during his interview. Penelope admitted it didn’t even cross her mind to ask for a certain salary. It’s true we as women aren’t taught to negotiate and ask for what we want. We are trained to take what is laid before us. At least we were, up until now…women are reclaiming what is already ours.We are no longer taking no for an answer. I look forward to see what the future holds for women. Step into your place, rise and be liberated.  

By Angel Johnson

Contributions: CNN

Video: Netflix

Photos: CNN


A Global Perspective on the March

Recent Historical Moments in Politics  

Political and Poetic Inspiration

How To Get Away With Living

NORTHRIDGE CA-Viola Davis presented a lecture to 16 hundred students at California State University Northridge (CSUN).


Photo: TheWrap

Emmy winner Viola Davis is an actress breaking social norms and paving the way for women of color to play more versatile roles in Hollywood. Though she stars on the show “How To Get Away With Murder,” when she presented her lecture, I believe she gave students tools on How To Get Away with Living. With living a successful life and overcoming obstacles and showing them the strength of vulnerability. Davis grew up in poverty during the Jim Crow era. When she went to school she was bullied and called derogatory names because of her skin color.

“Every day there were eight or nine boys that would curse at me and throw anything from rocks or bricks at me,” she said.

When Davis returned home it wasn’t any better. She had to witness her dad beat her mother. But she was able to endure her hardships and work her way to Hollywood.

Before her role in “How To Get Away With Murder” Davis was cast to play the stereotypical roles of a servant. But now she gets to play the role of a successful and beautiful lawyer.


It took hard work and dedication to get to where she is. Here are tips Davis gave to the audience on How To Get Away With Living.

  1. Don’t run away from your past. I agree with Davis. There is an African term called Sankofa. It means in order to move forward you must go back to you past. Go back to it to learn from it and move on.
  2. Embrace all of who you are including your insecurities. Who knows the things you’re insecure about could be your best qualities if you just accept them.
  3. Take off the mask. Life is messy and that is okay. Davis said when people take off the mask and are honest with one another about what they’re going through it creates a connection.
  4. Continue to learn. Davis is in her 50’s now and she is still learning new things.

“How To Get Away With Murder” airs Thursday nights 10/9c on ABC.

Step Up Thrives

NORTHRIDGE CA-The Los Angeles branch of Step Up is expanding throughout the city in order to mentor more girls.

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Photo: Step Up Orange County

Step Up is an organization that helps teenage girls from low-income community’s finish high school. They provide the girls with mentors to inspire them graduate. Step up girls even go to college and get a stable career. Maya Mackey has worked for Step Up for two years.

She started working for as a part-time as a confidence curriculum instructor. Now she is the full-time lead facilitator, for the 9th grade teen program. “At Step Up we are serving teens that come from low income under resourced communities. Without safe spaces they are prone to things like gang violence, alcohol abuse teen pregnancy,” Mackey said.

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See’s Candy

Teens that come from low-income neighborhoods usually carry the stress of the of their parents.They may have to get a job to help make ends meet. Leaving them with less time to study. Less study time decreases their chances of graduating.

Paula Kashtan is a new staff member at Step Up. “Our goal is to inspire women to inspire girls. Our girls can’t be what they don’t see,” Kashtan said. The organization has professional women come in to mentor the girls. 

The staff is dedicated to helping their girls succeed. “These girls are bright they just need a push,” Mackey said.

Step Up is a non-profit organization that relies on the help of donors. Some donors give because they had more privilege than the girls who come through the program. Step Up also has connections with organizations throughout the world like, Ellevate Network.  Ellevate is an international corporate organization dedicated to connecting business women with one another.

Ellevate  celebrated Giving Tuesday by shining the light on some of the most prominent organizations that help women. Step Up was invited. Events like this help provide Step Up with the resources they need. Those who donated on Giving Tuesday helped Step Up raise more than 100 thousand dollars.

Video Step Up Shine and Dine Event

By Angel Johnson

Contributions from ABC

Video: Phenom Network

Photo: Step Up Orange County


Boy’s To Men

Gabrielle Union Honored by Step Up

Teen Pregnancy

USA Gymnastics Wins Gold

NORTHRIDGE, CA-The U.S. gymnastics team continues to dominate in Rio.


NY Daily News

The USA gymnastics team took the gold medal in Rio on Tuesday. Russia took second place and China took third. Spectators predicted that Simone Biles would win the gold, and she did.

Judges, fans and people around the world have been supporting her along the way and they think she may be the best female gymnast in history. Before the qualifying round last Sunday, Biles’ mom tweeted her daughter words of encouragement.

Biles and her teammate Aly Riesman gave a nearly perfect performance. Biles took first and Raisman placed second at the all-around competition last Sunday. Gabby Douglas performed well too, only a few points behind Riesman. But her effortless routine was not enough to allow her to compete in the all-around competition. There is a two person per country rule which means each competing country can only have two members qualify.

Douglas wasn’t able to defend her 2012 title from London, but she was allowed to compete on the uneven bars Tuesday. Raisman says “the two person per country rule is the dumbest thing ever.”


In 2012 something similar happened during the all-around qualifying competition. Raisman and Douglas took first and second place, which denied the 2008 champion, Jordyn Wieber from defending her title.

Nastia Liukin, a 2008 Olympic champion, said no one can beat Biles, if anyone had doubts, then they should think about the fact that she took first place in the floor exercise, vault, and the balance beam.

She even has a move named after her, because she was the gymnast to land an advanced move, including a half-twist and blind landing in a competition.

Biles’ coach Aimee Borman said, “Simone doesn’t require a lot of run into her tumbling skills, so she can fit a longer pass onto the floor than a lot of athletes.”

When Biles does vault she goes higher and farther than her competitors. When it comes to the balance beam, she is the only one in the world who uses a beam that is 4-inches wide. Liukin also pointed out that most gold medalists win by half a point, Biles wins by two or three points.

By Angel Johnson

Contributions made by: NY Times, NBC, and US Weekly

Photo: NY Daily News