The Same Girl

Hey ladies we all have our “good days” and our “bad days” on a good day we think we look amazing, flawless, and like a “bad chick.” We are ready to take on the world. But on our bad days, we want to crawl under a rock because we feel we look a “hot mess.”
When you have to rush out of the house in sweatpants do not let it ruin your day. Instead, remind yourself you are the same person. What you wear does not change the name on your social security card, or drivers license. Most importantly it does not change who you are.
On the days you look flawless enjoy it but do not find your self worth or identity in it. You are more than the lipstick you apply or the $200.00 outfits you wear. Remember what you put on does not make you beautiful, it is who you are on the inside that shines through. So the next time that friend who always stops by without calling shows up. Don’t worry about the fact that you just woke up and have not had time to put your contacts in. Instead, take a deep breath and remind yourself you are still the same girl.